



Days of the week 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:04 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Hello! My name is Tom. I’m ten years old. Let me about my days of the week.

  I always go to school form Monday to Friday. I’m very busy.

  I like reading books. So I usually read books in the reading room and borrow books in the library at school on Monday.

  I like playing basketball too. So I always play basketball with my friends on Tuesday. It’s so much fun.

  On Wednesday, my friends and I often ice-skate together. But sometimes I play Chinese chess too.

  I usually go to the playground on Thursday. I can run, skip, jump and play many sports on it.

  I go home and do my homework on Friday evening. I often play with my brother before having dinner.

  But at weekends, I’m not busy. My family sometimes go to Zhong yang Park. We always have a good time there.

  This is my days of the week. And you?

Days of the week



  记得在一个星期五的晚上,爸爸对我说:“琪琪,你已经学会了不少英语知识,下星期二就写一篇英语作文。”我自以为很容易,就没有把这件事情放在心上。到了星期二,爸爸又对我说:“不会写的可以写汉语。”这时我觉得更容易了,想:不就是一篇英语作文嘛,有什么稀奇的,我学过那么多英语知识呢,怕什么。就没有把这件事放在心上。可是写出来却让爸爸妈妈开怀大笑,原来我写成了英汉互夹,题目叫dog 假 tight 威,中间有一段更好玩,讲的是:dog 装成 tight对Bird说:“tight come!”Bird看见一只tight站在自己面前,吓得摔到地上了。妈妈说:“琪琪,你写英语还是汉语啊?”弄的我哭笑不得,我这才知道写英语作文也不是一件容易的事情,如果是美国小朋友早就会了。爸爸无奈的对我说:“任你写一篇童话吧!看你写成什么东西了!”

