



关于企鹅的英语文章 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:07 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  会说话的动物(Talking Animals)

  The filmmakers behind the English-language version of March of the Penguins—which is distributed by Warner Independent Pictures and National Geographic Feature Films—toned down the anthropomorphism of the original, French release(发行).

  March of the penguins 的英语版通过Warner Independent Picture 和 National Geographic Feature Films 联合发行,其制作人在影片中淡化了法语原版的拟人风格。

  In the original documentary the penguins "spoke" their own dialogue, like Bambi or Babe the pig. The version released in the United States uses a narrator, actor Morgan Freeman, to tell the story.

  原版电影中企鹅有自己的对话,就像Bambi 或Babe the pig 一样。美国发行的版本,采用了Morgan Freeman 朗读的旁白。

  Still, the film describes the emperor penguins as "not that different from us" in their pouting(噘嘴), bellowing(吼叫), and strutting(昂首阔步地走).


  The bond(联结) between the star penguin parents is called a "love story." And the penguins seem to have emotions— grieving over the loss of an egg or a chick, rejoicing at the return of a mate, loving their families.


  "In a few places it's a little over the top," said Alison Power, director of communications for New York City's Bronx Zoo and the affiliated Wildlife Conservation Society. "But I thought the filmmakers did an excellent job in not anthropomorphizing the animals."

  New York City’s Bronx 动物园及附属的野生动物保护协会的交流主管,Alison Power表示“很少的几个地方有些许的过火,当制片人弱化了拟人风格是明智之举。”

  Marine biologist Gerald Kooyman studies penguins at Antarctica's "Penguin Ranch," and he begs to differ. He said the portrayal of the penguins' mating rituals as a love story is a "major" case of anthropomorphism.

  海洋生物学家Gerald Kooyman身处极地企鹅农场研究企鹅,他极力表示对电影的意义。他说电影中的婚配仪式纯粹是艺术化的拟人。

  So do the birds experience emotions at all? "Zoologists would say, Probably not," said

  Kooyman, who works for the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. "A lot of what looks to us like love or grief is probably hormonally driven more than some kind of attachment" to the egg, chick, or partner, he said.

  那么其他鸟类是否拥有情感呢?“动物学家会说,也许没有,” Scripps海洋学研究所的Kooyman回答说“很多像爱和悲伤等类似人类的行为可能是激素导致而不可能是其他任何原因”,无论是针对卵,幼仔,还是配偶。

  For instance, there are several scenes in the film when a parent seems to grieve over a broken egg doomed(注定,命定) never to hatch(孵化), or appears to mourn over the body of its frozen chick.


  Instinct, hormones, and the drive to reproduce influence a lot of the penguin behavior, Kooyman said.


  "What gives the impression sometimes of sorrow is that they fool around with the [broken or frozen] egg, or other birds try to take an egg away," Kooyman said. "There's just a drive to incubate, to participate in breeding behavior at that time of year for these birds."


  The film also shows multiple shots of two adult penguins cuddling side by side, their beaks touching and forming almost a heart shape. It looks like love, but is it?


  Despite the beautiful imagery, it's not certain that each posturing pair is actually a mated pair.


  "If it's in August or September, the two are probably mates," Kooyman said. "In April it could easily be two birds that get together and then decide that they wouldn't make good partners.


  "You also see such posturing at the ice's edge. There's a lot of social behavior between adults," he added.


  临时家庭(Temporary Families)

  Unlike nesting birds, penguin parents actually spend very little time together.


  The penguins make the grueling journey across some 70 miles (110 kilometers) of Antarctic ice each April to return to the breeding grounds where they were born. After the courtship period, the couple forms a strong bond until the egg is laid in May or early June.


  However, as soon as the egg is transferred to the father, the mother takes off to return to her feeding grounds. She returns some two months later. The starving male, who hasn't had a meal in months, immediately leaves.


  The two trade off rearing their fish and returning to the sea to feed for about five months, until the chick is old enough to be left on its own. After that point the parents will probably never see each other—or their offspring— again.


  "In a way, the film anthropomorphized the lives of the penguins, but I think it's OK," Kooyman said. "Simplifying some aspects of the penguins' life story makes it more accessible to the general public."


  Ever since Walt Disney immortalized(使…成为不朽) interspecies friendships and talking teapots, anthropomorphism (attributing human traits and emotions to animals or objects) has been a movie staple(主要产品).

  自从Walt Disney将种间友谊以及人化的物品(talking teapot)带入人们的思想,拟人论(赋予动物及物品以人的特征和情感)遂成为后世电影的一个主要题材。

  Now some scientists are criticizing the movie March of the Penguins for portraying the Antarctic seabirds almost as tiny, two-tone humans.

  目前很多科学家批评电影March of the penguine (应该是:帝企鹅日记) 几乎把南极的海鸟刻画成矮小的双色人。

  The poster for the surprise hit film reads, "In the harshest place on Earth love finds a way." And the movie describes the annual journey of emperor penguins to their breeding grounds as a "quest to find the perfect mate and start a family" against impossible odds.


  The penguins are the only animals that make a home above the ice in the subzero temperatures and blistering winds of the Antarctic winter. They overcome incredible odds just to survive, never mind breed and nurture new life.

  But is it love?





  大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca),通常称熊猫,是属于熊科的一种哺乳动物,体色为黑白两色。熊猫生长于中国中西部四川盆地周边的山区,是中国特有的野生动物,亦为国宝。全世界现存大约3100只左右,由于生育率低,加上对生活环境的要求相当高,是一种濒危动物。[1]


  在中文里,这个动物有两种名称:熊猫和猫熊。其来历的一种说法说1869年,法国天主教传教士阿尔芒·戴维德(Armand David)认识了熊猫后,给“熊猫”定名为“黑白熊”,归属于熊科。两年后,动物学家进一步考查,研究它属於猫熊科,将它进一步定名为“猫熊”。1940年代,在重庆北碚博物馆展举办了一次动物标本展览。当时,定名为猫熊,意思是它的脸型似猫那样圆胖,但整个体型又像熊。由于中文使用者传统上通常都习惯右到左的写法,所以当时猫熊一词是以右到左的方式书写。在标准中文文法里,形容词通常都被置放在名词的前面。由於熊猫被一般人认为属於熊科,因此猫是形容词,熊是名词。故,猫熊一词在中文文法上是对的。到1940年代,很多中文使用者已经开始习惯左到右的中文读法,所以当时重庆北碚博物馆所展示的“猫熊”字样就被大家误读成熊猫。从此以后,熊猫一词便开始先在四川一带流行起来,长此以往向传讹误,一至到今天,大部分的人也就习惯了使用熊猫一词。




  大熊猫的祖先是始熊猫(Ailuaractos lufengensis),这是一种由拟熊类演变而成的以食肉为主的最早的熊猫。始熊猫的主枝则在中国的中部和南部继续演化,其中一种在距今约300万年的更新世初期出现,体形比现在的熊猫小,从牙齿推断它已进化成为兼食竹类的杂食兽,此后这一主支向亚热带扩展,分布广泛,在华北、西北、华东、西南、华南以至越南和缅甸北部都发现了化石。在这一过程中,大熊猫适应了亚热带竹林生活,体型逐渐增大,依赖竹子为生。在距今50-70万年的更新世中、晚期是大熊猫的鼎盛时期。现在的大熊猫的臼齿发达,爪子除了五趾外还有一个“拇指”。这个“拇指”其实是一节腕骨特化形成,学名叫做“桡侧籽骨”,主要起握住竹子的作用。美国生物学家史蒂芬·杰伊·古尔德(Stephen Jay Gould)——关于这个写过一篇散文,后来又用《熊猫的拇指》作为一部散文集的名称。

  The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) ("black-and-white cat-foot") is a mammal classified in the bear family, Ursidae, native to central-western and southwestern China. It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, ears and on its rotund body. Though technically a carnivore, the panda has a diet which is 98% bamboo. However, they may eat other foods such as honey, eggs, fish, and yams.

  The Giant Panda is an endangered animal; an estimated 3,000 pandas live in the wild[2][3] and over 180 were reported to live in captivity by August 2006 in mainland China[3] (another source by the end of 2006 put the figure for China at 221[4]), with twenty pandas living outside of China.[citation needed] However, reports show that the numbers of wild panda are on the rise.[5][6]

  The giant panda has long been a favorite of the public, at least partly on account of the fact that the species has an appealing baby-like cuteness that makes it seem to resemble a living teddy bear. The fact that it is usually depicted reclining peacefully eating bamboo, as opposed to hunting, also adds to its image of innocence. Though the giant panda is often assumed docile because of their cuteness, they have been known to attack humans, usually assumed to be out of irritation rather than predatory behavior.

  The Giant Panda has a very distinctive black-and-white coat. Adults measure around 1.5 m long and around 75 cm tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 115 kg (253 pounds). Females are generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 100 kg (220 pounds). Giant Pandas live in mountainous regions, such as Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Tibet. While the Chinese dragon has been historically a national emblem for China, since the latter half of the 20th century the Giant Panda has also become an informal national emblem for China. Its image appears on a large number of modern Chinese commemorative silver, gold, and platinum coins.

  The Giant Panda has an unusual paw, with a "thumb" and five fingers; the "thumb" is actually a modified sesamoid bone, which helps the panda to hold the bamboo while eating. Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay about this, then used the title The Panda's Thumb for a book of essays concerned with evolution and intelligent design. The Giant Panda has a short tail, approximately 15 cm long. Giant Pandas can usually live to be 20-30 years old while living in captivity.

  Until recently, scientists thought giant pandas spent most of their lives alone, with males and females meeting only during the breeding season. Recent studies paint a different picture, in which small groups of pandas share a large territory and sometimes meet outside the breeding season.[citation needed]

  Like most subtropical mammals, but unlike most bears, the giant panda does not hibernate.

  [edit] Diet

  Pandas eating bamboo at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.Despite its taxonomic classification as a carnivore, the panda has a diet that is primarily herbivorous, which consists almost exclusively of bamboo. This is an evolutionarily recent adaptation. Pandas lack the proper enzymes to digest bamboo efficiently, and thus derive little energy and little protein from it.

  While primarily herbivorous, the panda still retains decidedly ursine teeth, and will eat meat, fish, and eggs when available. In captivity, zoos typically maintain the pandas' bamboo diet, though some will provide specially formulated biscuits or other dietary supplements.
