



My family 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:09 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My family members are my two younger brothers, named Benjamin and Desmond respectively. I also have my mother, father, my paternal grandmother and my maternal grandmother. My maternal grandfather died when I am 3 years old and my paternal grandfather died when I was 6 years old. It is lucky for me as my grandmothers are still alive.

  My mother is graceful lady with a chubby figure and my father is a muscular, burly man. Both of them are a caring mother and father. They met in Shanghai when my father went there for a business trip. When they got married, my mother had me and a few years later, she had my two younger brothers.

  My brothers are two energetic and naughty boy. They often tear my homework and due to this I always get scoldings from my teacher. Apart from that, my brothers and me have a harmonious relationships. Though my family was not rich but we are still happy and satisfied with what we have now. Best wishes to them.

My family

My Teacher

  My teacher is a lady with a chubby figure. She teaches us science. she is a very kind and caring teacher. There was once when I could not answer a simple concept question, she did not scold me and helped me to understand the concept of that topic.

  Not only that she helped me to understand concepts that I am confused with, she also provides extra tuition for those pupils who are poor in their results too! For all the students taught by her likes her.

  Not only that she had pulled up my scores and I felt that science was not really scary after all ! Her lessons are usually fun and easy to understand, she will always try out new ways to stimulate students' interest in Science. Hope that she can teach me forever but unfortunately, this year I had finished my primary school leaving examination and had to leave the school and go to my secondary school.

  Fortunately, she said that i can visit her in school whenever I am free. After all, I just wanted to thank you so much for your effort and did not give up on me. Thank you!
