



ANT 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:13 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  There are many types of ants. They live in house, tree or in the ground or even in rotten wood.

  They live in groups. These groups are called colonies.

  In a nest they are three types of ants. The most important ant in a clory is Queen. She is the only female which is lay eggs. She is larger then most of the ants. She has to be fed by other ants. She lives in a special chamber.

  Then,there are worker ants. These ants build and repair the nest. They also collect food and look after the larvae.

  The nest has to be proctected. It is the duty of the soldier ants to fight with enemies. These enemies may invade the nest. Soldier ants have strong jaws.



  The tiger belongs to the cat family.It is a big wild cat.

  Tiger is beautiful animal. It has stripes on its strong body. It is yellow in colour. Its limbs are big and powerful. Its eyes are big and sharp. Its is an alert animal.

  A tiger sleeps most part of the day. Its comes out to hunt during the night,as soon as dusk again. Seldom does a tiger hunt during the day.

  In the forest it hunts for deer,wild pigs,buffaloes and other animal.

  Tigers are only found in few countries in the world.
