



My pet 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:14 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My pet's name is mike ,He is a litte dog. he is 2years old now . H e likes running with me in the natur park .Everymoring ,we arego hiking toger .He likes eating chicken and fish .I like he very much!

My pet

My favorite fruit

  Everyone has favorite fruit. My favorite fruit is filled with the purple grape. It is sour. Because I like to eat sour fruit.

  She is a vine. The purple coat package in the body. A very beautiful. Like a purple pearls. In the sunshine. The glow of beauty. People have seen.

  Dear friends, are you favorite fruit is what? Introduce to me, ok?

  学校地址:三栋中心小学 五年级 邱玉娇
