



My family 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:17 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I am very happy because I have a lovely family.Let me introduce you to my family.

  First of all, I want to introduce my grandfather.He stooped and looked short.Grandpa always likes to wear a blue tunic.He likes to play with the children.His face always has a smile and looks so kind.

  Then let me introduce my father.My father is a busy worker.He goes out early every night, in order to let his family live a happy life.Dad looks tall and his skin is black.He always likes to read books with me, I love my father.

  Let me introduce my mother again.My mother is an ordinary woman, she is very kind.Mom always likes to help neighbors who have difficulties.But my mother is very fierce to me, and every time I make a mistake he will marry me.I know in my heart that my mother is scolding me for being good. she is guarding me like an angel.

  Thank you for giving me such a lovely family for the first time.I will always be with my loved one.

My family

Better Relationship

  There are always times when we are pulled by time, separated, once held hands. There is always some separation in life, there are always some things that I want to stay, but I can't keep them.

  The friendship between the two friends they met ended their friendship. The accident also did not feel sad for them, because some feelings ended, better than barely maintained, more relaxed, easier relationship between two people, the best state is to promote each other.

  Progress, as Shu Ting wrote to oak. No one forced pan Fu, nor another person to compromise. In the helpless time of parting, may as well want to think about it.

  Is the end really as painful as imagination, or is it just a symbol. My own thinking. But my two friends did not establish such a relationship. One of them was too sensitive and suspicious, always trying to speculate on the other's ideas.

  Without communication, they always imposed their own ideas on each other, which eventually led to their disintegration and disintegration.
