



It is never too late to learn 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:19 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Success is something we all eager to embrace,however, it will not be achieved easily without pain. Learning is the best way to enrich ourselves and get ahead. In order to make our life more meaningful, it is never too late to learn.

  No matter what stage of life we are located in, to acquire knowledge is always necessary for us. For instance, when we work as a tourist to visit historic site, if we have prepared the information about the site, the traveling will be attactive and in the natural atmosphere. In contrast, it will be fade.

  In short, age has no relationship with learn, the saying "it is never to late to learn" will accompany with us all the life, and in turn the life is fill of fun.

It is never too late to learn

a course impressed me most in school

  During my school life, there were so many great courses impressed me deeply.Among them the course which impressed me mot is the Science given by Mr zhang.

  At first,I'm not interested in this course.As time goes on,the course and teacher Zhang's lecture attracted me greatly. Dring the class ,for the fist time did i realized the nature is related closely to evereyone's life. I get t know everyone should gevote everyone's best to protect our natureand than can we live a healthy life with the nature.Secondly ,in his wonderful leatures Zhang cited many vivid examples which really happend so that we can grsped knowledge.

  All in all,this course have a great influence o me .I bellieve it will still have hve effects on me in the future.
