



Water is precious 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:55 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  We drink water every day, but do you know how important water is?

  Without water, all living things will die. There are also other uses of water besides drinking. We use water for bathing, washing clothes and also watering the plants.

  Plants need water in order to grow. This is because plants need water to make food.

  We can travel on water as a means of transportation. Boats and ships travel on water.

  Water has another important use. When there is a fire, we use water to put it out. In this way, water saves people's life and also our property from being burnt.

Water is precious

A Picnic

  Last Sunday, my family and I went for a picnic at the beach. It was a fine day and there were a lot of people there.

  My brother and I swam in the sea. As we cannot swim very well, we used floats while swimming.

  When it was time for lunch, my family and I sat under a shady tree to enjoy our meal. We had noodles, fried chicken and watermelon for lunch. As we ate, we joked and laughed. It was fun.

  Soon it was time to leave. We packed up and cleared the rubbish in the area. We threw all the rubbish into the litter bin nearby.
