



考英语作文精彩短语150条 5 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:04 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  121 感到失望 to be disappointed

  122 感到振奋 to be encouraged, inspired

  123 感到气馁 to be discouraged, frustrated

  124 感到疲倦的 to be exhausted

  125 感到烦恼 to be worried, upset, disturbed, bothered

  126 放弃理想 to abandon the ideal

  127 奠定基础 to lay the foundation

  128 失去耐心 to lose patience

  129 进步 to make progress

  130 失去联络 to lose track of

  131 保持联络 to keep in touch with

  132 误入歧途 to go astray

  133 养成...的习惯 to make it a rule to; to cultivate the habit

  134 统一中国 to reunify China

  135 光复大陆 to recover the Chinese mainland

  136 遇到交通阻塞 to be caught in a traffic jam

  137 给...教训 to teach someone a lesson

  138 改过自新 to turn over a new leaf

  139 引以为乐 to take delight in

  141 予...以威胁 to pose a threat to

  142 取代 to take the place of

  143 预作保留 to make the reservation

  144 使...彻夜未眠 to cost someone a sleepless night

  145 充满喜悦 to be filled with joy

  146 背诵 to learn。。。。by heart

  147 鼓励 to encourage, inspire

  148 产生不同 to make a great difference

  149 犯法 to violate the law

  150 不遗余力 to spare no efforts to

  151 不辞辛劳 to take the pains to

  140 予...以打击 to deal a heavy blow to

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  31 开药方 to prescribe the medicine

  32 坚守原则 to stick to the principle

  33 注意卫生 to emphasize the importance of hygiene

  34 乱丢垃圾 to litter; to scatter garbage

  35 美化环境 to beautify the environment

  36 种植树木 to grow trees

  37 防止污染 to prevent the pollution

  38 提升生活质量 to promote the qualities of life

  39 造成损害 to do damage to

  40 对...有益 to benefit; to be beneficial to

  41 对...有害 to be harmful to; to do harm to

  42 任意停车 to park the car at random

  43 制造噪音 to make noises

  44 占用人行道 to occupy the sidewalk

  45 妨碍交通 to hinder the traffic

  46 排放污烟、废气 to belch smoke, exhaust, fume

  47 造成不便 to cause inconvenience

  48 造成混乱 to bring about the disorder

  49 闯红灯 to run through the red light

  50 利用天桥 to make use of the overpass

  51 查字典 to consult the dictionary

  52 屏息 to hold one"s breath

  53 流泪 to shed tears

  54 符合需要 to meet the demand

  55 生根 to take root

  56 产生结果 to bear fruit

  57 打破沉默 to break the ice

  58 气馁 to lose heart; to get discouraged

  59 振作 to pull oneself together; to take heart

  60 采取步骤 to take steps; to take measures
