



My holiday 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:05 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My holiday is spent so happy!

  On morning ,I often get up late,and eat breakfast .

  At midday,I usually paly hopscotch with the ing.We are very happy.

  On aftrnoon,I always eat biscuit instead of lunch,and go to Bookstore read some book.

  In the evening,I often come home front Bookstore and eat supper.Then I am watch TV.

  At night,I never go to bed early, because I'm watch TV to eleven o'clock.

My holiday

Henny Penny母鸡潘妮

  One day, Henny Penny was looking for seeds. An acorn fell out of a tree and hit her on the head. “Oh, my!” She said. “The sky is falling! I must tell the queen.” She ran down the lane. She passed Ducky Lucky.

  “Where are you going, Henny Penny?” asked Ducky Lucky.

  “The sky is falling! I must tell the queen,” called Henny Penny.




  “Oh, my! I will go too,” said Ducky Lucky.

  The two passed Turkey Lurkey.

  “Where are you going?” he asked them.

  “The sky is falling! We must tell the queen,” they called.

  “Oh, my! I’ll go, too,” said Turkey Lurkey.






  At last, the three saw the queen.

  “The sky is falling!” said Henny Penny.

  The queen picked up the acorn.

  “It was just a little acorn,” she said.

  “Only rain falls from the sky. Go home and do not be afraid.”

  And so the happy friends set out for home.





